Business Solutions

Our Business Solutions are developed to increase financial options for businesses, giving owners peace of mind to focus attention on the day to day realities of their company.

Longer-Term Private Equity Investments

Tecate Northern Trust (the “Fund”) is the private equity arm of the Midnight Sun Financial group. The Fund makes long-term equity investments with the combined goals to maximize investment returns and to build relationships with successful entrepreneurs.

Potential candidates for investment come from both conventional sources and our proprietary Tecate private equity business model.

The Fund may make non-controlling equity investments private business that are well-managed, scalable or otherwise attractive, or make larger investments in select private business in which Midnight Sun participates in management or has a strategic interest.

To learn more about our proprietary private equity business model, view the Tecate Private Equity strategy.

Short-Term Commercial Lending

Kootenay Commercial Lending Trust (“Kootenay”) is the commercial lending arm of the Midnight Sun group. This solution provides you and your corporation short and medium term loans at competitive rates and on competitive terms. Kootenay is able to respond to all loan requests rapidly and with a view to establishing long-term relationships with entrepreneurs.

Real Estate Acquisition

The Midnight Sun group selectively purchases interests in real estate. We focus our real estate investments on properties that provide a stable rental stream, have potential for significant capital appreciation or have a connection to other Midnight Sun operations or investments. The Midnight Sun group may be able to combine a real estate purchase with a separate transaction being contemplated or a foreign exchange investment opportunity to provide a vendor with an improved financial or business result.

Litigation Funding

Tax disputes can be very expensive, very uncertain and take significant time to resolve. If audited and challenged by the Canada Revenue Agency, many taxpayers choose to concede legitimate positions rather than dispute tax reassessments.

Westminster Funding Trust (“Westminster”) is the tax dispute funding arm of the Midnight Sun Financial group. Westminster will fund up to 75% of the costs incurred and tax disputes at any stage in the dispute process, from audit through to tax court and beyond, are considered.

Our team of tax experts have over [70] years of experience dealing with tax disputes. We are here to offer advice and recommendations. However, the taxpayer maintains control over all aspects of the dispute and may select its own accountants and lawyers. Westminster will only be compensated if a successful resolution is achieved. The amount of compensation will be negotiated at the outset of the arrangement and will depend on the nature of the issues involved in the dispute.

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100, 10446 - 122 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5N 1M3


101, 1117 - 1st Street SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0T9

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